
duofix universal mounting element for urinal

duofix universal mounting element for urinal
duofix universal mounting element for urinal
Категорії: Санфаянс (Раковини, Унітази,Біде)   Унітази   Сантехніка   Інсталяційні системи   Пісуари   Бренди (сантехніка)   Geberit   DUOFIX  
Виробник Geberit
Розміри, мм (дов.-шир.-вис.): 0x0x0
Модель: 111.616.00.1
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the height of the element is adjustable from 112 cm to 130 cm, depending on the sanitary ware of the urinal; frame with holes d 9 mm for fixing in a wooden frame; galvanized legs, stepless adjustable 0 - 20 cm; self-supporting structure; powder-coated frame, ultramarine blue; legs retracted by 5 cm; rotary support platform for installation in u-shaped profiles uw 50 and uw 75; water inlet 1/2 '', suitable for meplafix; the water supply is mounted without the use of tools; pre-assembled shut-off valve with throttle; the inlet pipe for pipeline flushing was installed; mounting box for service window, flush shortened; flexible armored hose between the flush-mounted box and the water inlet; fastening of the flush pipe d 32 mm, adjustable in height; fixtures for sanitary ware with height and width adjustment; height-adjustable and sound-absorbing attachment for the connecting elbow; self-locking supports for leveling elements

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